Abiding Radio airs classic hymns of the faith and the best of today's conservative, sacred, and traditional Christian instrumental music. We are a listener-supported commercial-free ministry providing Christ honoring music 24/7.
Featured artists include: The Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team, The Steve Galkin Evangelistic Team, Foundation Brass, Erin Cross, The Foto Sisters, Greg Howlett, Jordan Potter, LaShannon Hyder, Loren Elms, Matthew Conrad, Nathan Burggraff, the SMS Orchestra, The Potter Family, and more!
Abiding Radio mengudara himne klasik iman dan yang terbaik dari yang konservatif, suci, dan musik instrumental tradisional Kristen saat ini. Kami adalah pelayanan komersial bebas pendengar didukung menyediakan Kristus menghormati musik 24/7.
Artis fitur meliputi: Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team, The Steve Galkin Evangelistic Team, Yayasan Kuningan, Erin Cross, The Foto Sisters, Greg Howlett, Jordan Potter, LaShannon Hyder, Loren Elms, Matthew Conrad, Nathan Burggraff, SMS Orchestra, The Potter Keluarga, dan banyak lagi!